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You no longer have to waste hours looking through huge piles of paper to find the document you need. With Bird File document scanning software, you will be able to scan and index all your paper documents and turn them into digital format. It doesn’t stop there because Bird File also takes them to the cloud. This way, your data and information are readily accessible and searchable via metadata anytime and from anywhere with one click.

Why Do You Need Bird File?

Bird File is a state-of-the-art document scanning software that provides you with full data retention, access control, in-depth audit, and reporting functions. Bird File acts as a storage and data management gateway that makes your work extremely efficient and a lot quicker.

Digitize Your Paper Files With Ease


Bird File is a premium document scanning software that allows you to scan and index all your paper documents and transform them into digital format.


For quick retrieval of documents, Bird File lets you index all your scanned files through multiple meta data fields that tag your documents with a unique ID, title, date, number, or keywords that describe the content of the document.

Send to the Cloud

Unlike most document scanning software, Bird File sends your files to the cloud, where they can be accessible at all times from any place. Having your files on the cloud allows you to search through all your documents with ease.

Decrease Risk and Increase Productivity with Bird File

Time Saving

Bird File saves you and your employees valuable time that is wasted on searching for files.


Bird File produces in-depth reports about who viewed or edited any of your files at any time.

Cost Effective

Bird File helps you save thousands of dollars that are wasted on renting storage space.


Bird File turns your documents into digital birds that instantly show whenever you call them.

Environment Friendly

Bird File supports your business to go green by reducing paper and applying sustainable business practices.


Bird File adds security to your confidential files. With your files on the cloud, you can choose who can have access to view your files and who can edit them.