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Automate Your Business Processes Now With Bird Service Workflow Management Software

Give your workflow wings

Bird Service is a fully dynamic workflow management software that automates all your business requests and streamlines workflow, with no coding required.

Improve your employees’ efficiency

Your employees will no longer waste time running around trying to get approvals. With Bird Cloud, they will have more time to focus on much more important business tasks.

Say goodbye chaos

This state-of-the-art workflow management software lets you automate your business processes no matter how complex they may be. With its intuitive interface, you will not only control the flow but also eliminate chaos.

BIRD SERVICE works in 5 simple steps

1. Choose a Service

Choose the service that you want to automate. Whether it is a purchase request, vacation request, travel request, hardware request or any other type, you can automate it easily with Bird Service.

2. Build a form

Build the form that the service owner must fill to send a request. You can easily add as many fields to the form as you want. Define how you need the fields to be filled, you have many options such as text fields, dropdown menus, lists, and so on.

3. Design the Workflow

Outline how you want the process to flow. The workflow can be as simple or as complex as you need it to be, with zero codings required. You can also set deadlines or required conditions for your workflow.

4. Set Permissions

Set permissions for the service you want to automate. Our workflow management software lets you determine who can view or select a service. You can customize the availability of your service, by making it hidden or available to certain employees or departments.

5. Let it fly

Your service is now ready, so let it fly!